To become both a good family dog and an effective
hunting companion, your dog needs to develop his well bred natural instincts. The greatest thing you can do for your dog is to
train him to his full potential. Since 1982, Holzinger Kennels has
developed an
extensive training program that can be fully customized to your hunting and
obedience needs. We train all breeds on game bird retrieval, including
Pointers, Flushers, Labs and Retrievers. We train year round, using both
indoor training room facilities and vigorous outdoor field work. Dogs
enrolled in our training program are housed in modern
indoor heated kennels.
Please note, Holzinger Kennels
standard practice is to get proof of required vaccinations for your dog
before any on site training can start. At our facility, we
require the following vaccinations:
With today's controversial use of vaccine
titers to measure immunity in pets, we feel that an improperly vaccinated
dog puts our facility at a high risk. To help the training process run smoothly, please make sure
your dog is up to date with his vaccinations well in advance of scheduling
his training session. Feel free to contact us
with any questions.
Our training program is divided into four
main sections, Kindergarten,
Grade School, Junior
High, and High School.
Customized training that goes beyond the
High School level is available as well.
If your dog is younger than six months, check out our puppy tips page to get
a head start on his training until he's old enough to start the
portion of our training program. Click on the links below for more
detailed information on each section.
Training |
Breeding |
Stud Dogs |
Puppies |
Photos |
Videos |
Questions |
About Us |
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